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Donate to your favourite charity in return for transformation coaching

This past year I have volunteered with an Irish charity called ALONE, and my experience of giving with a full heart and no expectations has brought so many rewards.  Inspired by this experience, I wondered how I could use my business to "give back" and this special offer emerged!  I am currently completing my ICF coaching accreditation, and would like to offer my remaining 50 hours practice in exchange for donations to your favourite cause - animal charity, environmental cause, cancer research, child abuse supports, women's support centres... whatever is close to your heart.


  • Every €25 donated can be exchanged for a 1 hour coaching session

  • Register your interest by booking an introductory call to ensure we are a good match

  • Send details of your charity and a copy of the receipt to me in advance of bookings

  • We will agree number of coaching sessions and timings

  • Offer applies to a maximum of 10 coaching sessions over three months

  • Willing to allow me to use your contact details for coaching accreditation purposes


Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations.

Whether you have been coached before, or you are new to this conversation, your role is to bring the spirit of curiosity to our exploration of the topic of your choice and together we can agree a framework for how best to support you, and get to the heart of what stands in your way so that you can reach your outcomes!

Schedule a Session


While coaching is not limited to any particular topic, it's important that you are committed to taking action to move forward.  Perhaps some of the following will resonate with you: 

  • Perhaps you are navigating a big transition in your life? 

  • Finally got the job/promotion of your dreams, but you're unsure how to deliver, and fear being "found out"?

  • Hybrid working getting you down, and you need a safe place to work through some strategies or put healthy boundaries in place?

  • You are going through a significant life challenge and need to unload? 

My commitment is to hold space for confidential exploration into what may be holding you back, support you in getting perspective, and together we can look at tools and techniques to support you so that you are better resourced to navigate whatever is on your plate. 

Schedule a Session
Schedule a session
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